Exactly what is sustainable agriculture?

Sustainable agriculture is the pursuit of an ever-evolving goal to embrace a viable rural and urban community, economy, and environment. It has been variously named organic, alternative, regenerative, and low-input agriculture, but all apply to a new set of values emerging out of concerns for modern agri-business. CWH has adopted the term sustainable agriculture, as it sums up the overall objectives of a number of private groups, farmers, and government organizations. These people are applying a change of methods in land stewardship, management, and ecological concepts to agri-business, steering toward a more nurturing style of farming.

What is “no-tilling”?

No-till conservation tillage involves leaving a surface residue on the field with no disturbance to the plow layer. This helps reduce soil erosion. Combined with band-spraying of herbicides in just the planted row itself, the weeds between the rows can be cultivated with a no-till cultivator.

What is “banding”?

Banding is the spraying of pre- and post-emergence herbicides over just the crop row. Banding allows for the reduction of up to 2/3 of applied chemical herbicides, providing economic savings to the farmer.

What purpose does winter cover cropping serve?

Winter cover crops hold and protect topsoil, increase organic matter, take up excess nitrogen, and provide wintering food for migratory geese. In the Delmarva area, there are two types of cover crops: small grains such as rye, barley, and wheat, and legumes such as crimson clover.